About Me

Gloria Gorni


Gloria Gorni is an artist and illustrator who lives and works in Milan, italy. Graduating from Brera academy of fine arts with a degree of Fine Arts in Drawing and Painting, she started soon working as a freelancer artist.

Gloria’s practice is centered on the creation of  surrelist characters in painting informed by her own relationship with her self being, nature and experiences of youth.

Her work is extremely personal and emotional, and it’s mostly based on what she’s feeling in the moment of the creation.

My approach to the artistic world happened very prematurely, as it has always been for me the only channel of communication between what was happening within me and the reality that surrounded me.

About SeLAC ❤

The reality of SeLAC was born in December 2020, from the need of the artists and co-founders CARLOTTA PROIETTO and GLORIA GORNI to find a space where they can fully concentrate on their projects and works of art. Over time, the space has evolved from a studio and artistic laboratory to a multifunctional place, a collective of ideas and projects of various kinds. In fact, the plan of SeLAC and its subdivision of the spaces in a reasoned way, has allowed various realities to come into contact with the ideologies of the founders.

SeLAC is a space located in a lively courtyard, in the center of the city of Cusano Milanino, a few steps from Milan.